An Interview (Q&A) with Jay Wile
Jay Wile is an artist and producer from Austin, Texas. In this brief Q&A he talks about his background, influences, why he decided to create music and more.

What made you want to become an artist?
I've been making music since I was 14 (10 years now) but it wasn't until my freshman year in college when my friends and I made an R&B/Rock band called Othello, that I fell in love with music. I realized I wanted to pursue a future in it and go all in.
Why do you make music?
Making music is just fun to me. I like to challenge myself and try new things to create that forces me to think outside the box.
What's your musical background?
I'm self-taught across the board. I started learning how to sing when I was 14 and joined the church and school choir in high school. I picked up the piano and guitar a few years back when I was learning to produce and mix. in college, I joined the South Asian fusion acapella team, Swaram. Being in the group has helped me grow musically and as a creator. Surrounded by other talented musicians and compete nationally really inspires me.
Who are some of your biggest influences?
My biggest influences? I appreciate Stevie Wonder's catalog. I think he's a fantastic songwriter and musician. Along with him, John Legend, Kanye, Frank Ocean and Kid Cudi were my favorite artists growing up. I admire their dedication to the art and how particular they are with their craft.
What sets you apart from other artists?
I'm not sure how to answer this question, I think being just true to myself has been something I've strived to maintain. I believe artists tend to fall into the trap of having to maken a specific type of music that doesn't always come from a genuine place. My best friend, co-producer, and writer, Phon, is also my content filter. I think having him around to create and edit and keep it real with me is something special. It's quality control and working together has taken the music to a new level. My end goals is to make music I'd vibe with, and if others enjoy it, it's just that more special.
What type of impact would you like to have?
I want people to feel something when they listen to the music. When I'm writing and producing a song, I think about what idea I'm trying to get across and how to best creatively express that. I want to be the voice for emotions listeners aren't always most inclined to get in touch with. The goal is to create songs that leave some emotional impact whether it be fun or sad.
How do you envision your career?
I honestly don't know what to expect. Seeing the growth and response from the Blue Patio EP has forced me to reevaluate goals and timelines. Ultimately, I'd like to make music and play for people across the world. I feel that is what I was put here to do. That is the way I'd like to connect with others.
What artists are you often compared to? And do you mind being compared to these artists?
I don't have a preference for an artist to be compared to; I'd like to find my lane to be a unique sound. Right now, listeners and friends commonly say I remind them of Frank Ocean, Daniel Caesar, and Khalid, which is cool.
Final question; who's your dream collaborator?
Kanye for sure. My first album I ever bought was Late Registration by him, and I've been in awe of his production and music ever since.​